
The Extension has the finishing touches completed. The Patio is made from large stones taken from the demolished Barn and part of the Old Cottage we demolished. We have put small chippings between the large stones, and are very pleased with the result. The view of the Patio under construction is taken from the Bedroom Balcony. In the picture on the right you can see the result. The Balconies look great, and the Patio has blended in very well. Work will commence on the Old Cottage on about the 1st October, so I will start a new page for that progress, and move the WebCam a little so all the Cottage can be seen.


Well nothing happened this week, as predicted! However I am going to use the space for a couple of pictures from next week. Here you can see the lads lifting a balcony into place with their trusty digger. A very delicate operation to get it level and with the correct slope out on it. In the other one, the welder is putting the finishing touches to the rails. A Great Job! Next week the Balconies are finished, and the Patio is put round the house underneath said balconies.


AT LAST WE ARE IN! The middle of this week saw us move into the Extension. The Kitchen was finished, and the Architrave and Skirting too. Door Knobs have appeared, so we only have to wait for the remaining doors to arrive next month. Now Susy can start making the Curtains. We can begin Painting some walls, and emptying the Cottage ready for 'Phase 2 The Renovation'. On the left Susy gives the Bed the thumbs up! It was difficult lugging the mattress up from the Garage where it has been for the last 18 months, but a real joy to back sleeping on it again. On the right we enjoy our first dinner in the 'Baronial Hall' with visiting friends from the UK, Ant, Becca and Zakk. Next week we expect the balconies to be added to the Lounge and Bedroom. We will NOT be updating this section After Next week. Hold your breath for more active Webcam and Phase 2 stories in the very near future.


NO we are NOT finished yet! The upstairs toilet had a manufacturing fault - a crack which the factory had tried to conceal - so a wet floor resulted overnight. We should have a new one next week. Only the Kitchen and Lobby to skirt and architrave now, then door handles, while we await the rest of the doors which should be here some time next month. The Kitchen is progressing well as can be seen in the photo on the right. On the left the upstairs Lounge has a nice rail round the chimney to prevent injury, and hide the stainless steel a bit. I am very pleased with the result. The tiling in the Loo and Bathroom is finished, so only the Kitchen to tile now. With visitors coming next week, and the week after, we should be partly moved in by Wednesday. Next week the Balconies may be installed, the kitchen finished, and who knows, maybe the Plumbing and the Electrics too!


Well the wood floor upstairs is now in place. Three days of hard work, and our beautiful Engineered Oak Floor is down, and not only that the skirting is going in, and architrave also. On the right you can see the upstairs Lounge has skirting and architrave, with nice double doors for the Dumb Waiter. We are nearly there now! Next week should see the rest of the skirting and architrave finished, the kitchen installed, the Electric Meter moved from the cottage to the House, and even the Plumbing finished. We shall see. We are optimistic, as ever!


More good progress this week. The hall tiling is finished, so flooring now sorted downstairs. Francis has been busy putting in the lighting throughout the house, and installing the Cooker Hood. The Fridge Freezer, Steam Oven and Warming Drawer have arrived and can be seen ready to install in the picture on the right. The Stable Door from the Hall to the Kitchen is hung as are the other doors to the Hall. Francis & Truffle are enjoying the space and seeing some furniture moved from the Garage to the Hall. WOW! The remaining doors should be ready in another week or so. Next week we hope to see the Plumbing and Electrics finished. We should also have the kitchen started, and the wood floor upstairs installed.


Not alot of progress this week, because the chaps are away doing another job. However Francis has painted the Kitchen, lobby, loo and lounge ceilings. He can be seen here on the left, happily at work, near the Dumb waiter in the lounge. The photo on the right is from a couple of weeks ago when the Solar panels were fitted. We have 5 sq.m. of solar which on a sunny day at the moment can produce 70 Kwhrs of energy. Also plenty of hot water. The upstairs concrete floor is slowly drying out and should be ready to have the wood floor laid in another week or two. Next week should see some doors installed, the hall tiled and skirting and architrave put on.


Good consolidation of progress this week. The Stairs and Gallery are finished. The Oak Balustrade looks lovely with just a simple chamfer to avoid 'too much dust collecting' Susy says! The services are now connected up, John can be seen here on the right trying to get it all to fit properly. The Solar Panels are working, as is the heat pump. The heating is on to try and dry the floor out prior to fitting the Wood Flooring. The ceilings are ready for us to paint. The levelling compound is in the hall, ready to tile. This is the last room for tiling. There will be no action next week, the chaps are off fitting a stairs which was ordered last Christmas! Well, the Plumber and Electrician might turn up and finish their work. You never know!


Good work this week. The power has been connected to the House from the Cottage, allowing the wall sockets to be switched on, and more importantly, the Heat Pump to be put on standby, so the oil can warm up properly before the Gas is put in. Friday saw the Gas Man from Dublin arrive, Paul the Heating Engineer, and Dennis the Plumber in addition to the usual lads. Our drive looks quite busy, don't you think? The Heat Pump can be seen on the left being commissioned, so by evening we had warm water running to both floors at 20C. The plan is to gradually bring it up to full temperature over a couple of weeks. The House felt very cosy this morning, in fact too warm, really. Not at all what we are used to. Next week we are hoping to begin filling and painting the ceilings, installing the Stairs, and with a bit of luck the Solar Panels will be up on the roof.


More excellent progress this week. We have finished the tiling of the kitchen, lobby and downstairs loo. Francis had a trip to Waterford to swap some of the internal plaster we did not use for 1.5 metric tonnes of the external plaster we need to finish off inside the house. We should have 1 tonne left over for the cottage when we do that. We finished the week off by digging the trench for the main power cable to run underground from the last pole to the house. We managed to do this without cutting the poo pipes, electric cable to the garage (vital for our water supply), and the land drain by the drive and field! Amazing! The stairs arrived, Mike and John can be seen unloading them from the flatbed trailer. They are solid oak and VERY heavy! Next week we should get the power connected to the house, plastering finished, heat pump working, and Solar Panels installed.
