
Susy and a Wwoofer are checking the Bee Hive up near the Reed Bed.

Looks healthy enough, and instructive for the Wwoofer.


Tortoise Garden Water Feature

The French Wwoofer, Kevin, at work building the Front Garden Water Feature. His design by the way, and rather good we think.


We have three Orphaned Lambs from our neighbour, Paddy. Here you can see them being fed by a Wwoofer, Marie from France and our friend Bibi.

Who is enjoying it most? Then lambs or the feeders?



We thought two would be good to eat the brambles and gorse, but we ended up with four girls from friends Ed & Eileen on Sheeps Head. They are rather fun though, looking at us from above the Kitchen Pond.


Francis has made a Wind Turbine to a design by Hugh Piggot. This will be used to heat water. For the full story go here and be amazed!


The Bog Pond Near the Road

We now have a new pond complete with Island dug out of a bog, so it will be about 2 metres deep, with a bank planted with Irish Black Willow, Ferns and normal Willow. The pond has been seeded with water from John's pond. We hope it will fill up soon!


We are planning to get some Donkeys.

Yes I know, yet more animals, but we know some people on the Sheeps Head Peninsula who have 4 donkeys but only an acre of grazing. We woudl like something to eat some of the gorse. They love gorse, so we could have an ideal solution. We have built a stable, with hard standing, and a fence and gate so they can be coralled when required. Thanks to our friend Bert who helped with the fencing. We also had to refence the trees in the field in front of the house to 'donkey proof' them.


Wwoofer House

Is finished! This is what we call the Dry Stone Barn with the yellow door between the shed behind the garage and the 'Toy Shed'. This was a great project where Wwoofers enabled us to complete well ahead of shcedule. Follow the link for more onWwoofing and the barn. This has cleard the pile of rock which has been in the veggie garden for more than 3 years now. So the last of the raised beds is in place waiting for some topsoil and manure to be added. Then planting can begin. The green 'fence' round the beds in use are anti chicken devices. They work too! The chickens and the fences!


We have finished the kitchen pond.

How long did that take? The final step was to plaster the wall using the same plaster as the house, and put some stones on the top so we can sit on it! The herb garden beyond the pond has had to be fenced against the chickens and the dogs. Not the best for the look of the garden, but a practical solution.


With plenty of stone from the old barn, we decided to build a small Dry Stone Barn which has been called the Wwoofer House because it was built by Wwoofers from various countries. The main work was done by Francis & Dutch Wwoofer Arno, now a friend.

Here the stone work is nearly finished, and the roof supports are in place, and the window too.
